Dear Sunny Faces Parents,
As you are aware from news reports, the ongoing Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) job action impacting TDSB and TCDSB schools continues. Just recently, Sunny Faces received notice that we will be able to operate our full day program with time restrictions. Below are the hours for each of our locations. Note, there is a difference between the two Boards.
Sunny Faces Rivercrest programs for PRESCHOOL, JK/SK and School Age children will be permitted to operate from 8AM to 4:45PM only.
Sunny Faces St. Benedict programs for JK/SK and School Age children will be permitted to operate from 8AM to 4:30PM only.
Please watch the local news reports and or check the TDSB/TCDSB websites for any additional updates. Sunny Faces will also post any updates as we receive them.
Thank you,