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Please read carefully. This page explains the registration process and the required forms and information to successfully register your child with Sunny Faces Day Care Centre. Incomplete or incorrect forms may be rejected. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. Registrations will ONLY be accepted when COMPLETED registration forms are submitted.


In keeping with our operational procedures, Sunny Faces will begin our 2025-2026 registration for both the summer months (July and August) as well as the fall (September).  


All required forms can be found online below. There are 13 downloads that need to be completed for NEW families. Once forms are completed, please scan them and send them via email to Jamila at For those who are interested, there is an APP for iPhones called SCANNABLE or Microsoft Lens. These Apps are free and very easy to use.


Registration Forms


Parent Handbook – Printing and or downloading is optional, but reading and reviewing is not as you will be signing off to say that you have read and understand all of Sunny Faces’ policies and procedures.


Direct Payment Form – One form per family. Due to confidential information, banking forms should be dropped off at our Rivercrest location and left with the Supervisor. If you do choose to email your form, you are doing so with the understanding that your information may not be secure online. This MUST be completed.


1) Registration Form – One form per child, all sections must be complete including postal codes, please indicate your summer attendance on this form, forms will be time stamped in accordance to the date and time noted on the sent email, signature required.


2) Emergency Form – One form per child, all sections must be complete including postal codes, email addresses required.


3) Child Custody Form – One form per family, sole custody and or shared custody families must complete this form and submit court documents that outline custody details.  Where possible, both parents to sign. Families without custody matters complete the form with both parent signatures which authorizes both parents to pick up.


4) Toronto Public Health Immunization – One form per child, every form must have the top half completed (including postal codes), parents can provide a copy of each child’s Record of Immunization OR parents can fill in the bottom half of page with the details found on a child’s Record of Immunization.


5) Dietary Restriction and Medical Health Plan – One form per child.  If your child has no restrictions, please fill out the first box with child’s name and program and then note NOT APPLICABLE in the boxes below, parent signature required.


6) Exchange of Information – One form per child, must note the child’s school in space provided, parent signature required.


7) Parent & Child Code of Conduct – One form per child, must be reviewed with child/ren, child signature required if age appropriate, parent signature required.


8) Outings & Field Trips, Medical & Photos – One form per child, 3 signatures required on this page.


9) Application of Creams and Lotions FormOne form per child.​


10) Policies & Procedures Checklist – One form per child, confirmation that you have read the Parent Handbook, signature required.


​To Be Completed as Needed:


​​​​​Anaphylaxis Alert Form – Complete as needed. This is required for children with anaphylaxis allergy responses.



If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact Jamila at 416 744 0778 or via email at  


Be well. Stay strong. Stay safe!





Lee-Ann Hand

Executive Director

Sunny Faces Day Care

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